torstai 31. lokakuuta 2013

Risto's e-learning and digital cultures (MOOC) reflections
By Nemomain (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

 What is a MOOC, and is it a fresh phenomenon?

Have understood that Michel Foucault had a MOOC, os at least a MOC, at his disposal in 1970s. He was highly appreciated as a philosopher, and his lectures were considered as a French national treasure. In principal everyone was expected to have a free access to hear him. In practice this was all but impossible. For this reason the lectures were taped and distributed through various media available at that time. Foucault also discussed the problems in one-directional mass-lectures. Talking to several people was not the same thing as talking with them, he said.

They’re made out of meat (Week 3, Film 4)

Got lost in the hyperspace, and happened to look this film a bit early in the course. Enjoyed it a lot - not the least because I have utilized this short by Terry Bisson in a written form as an eye opener to diversity in a Diversity Management course. It gives you an idea why "strange" may feel the way it does.

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